Privacy policy

Your privacy is important to us. We want you to feel safe with us, and we act in accordance with this and the legal regulations on the protection of personal data, especially the new European General Data Protection Regulation, which applies from May 25, 2018. Below we inform you about the purposes for which we collect and use Your personal data and how you can monitor these procedures and exercise your rights. You can access and print our personal data protection statement at any time via the Data Protection link at the bottom of each page.

Name and contact information of the manager of personal data processing

The following is responsible for the processing of personal data of customers of the offer for 5 online store:

Paljan cleaning j.d.o.o.
Bednjanska street 10A
10000 Zagreb
Croatia / Croatia
Phone: 095 725 9500

Purposes and legal basis of data processing

You can be sure: We use your personal data exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling your requests, concluding and executing contracts, and exclusively for our own marketing and realization of other legitimate interests to improve our business, as well as to comply with our legal obligations. We use the data only for established, clear, legitimate and expected purposes and do not pass it on or use it for unforeseen or unexpected purposes.

Processing is carried out in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and Croatian laws and regulations.

Basic contexts in which processing is performed

Cookies and web analytics

You can find more information on the cookies page.

Rights of respondents

Regarding the collection and processing of your personal data, we provide you with the following rights:

Right of access
Right to rectification
Right to erasure ("right to be forgotten")
The right to restriction of processing
The right to data portability
Objection rights
Right of access

You have the right to receive confirmation from us as to whether personal data relating to you are being processed and, if such personal data are being processed, access to personal data and the following information: purpose of processing, categories of personal data in question, recipients or categories of recipients of personal data, the period in which personal data will be stored, information about your rights and data sources if they were not collected from you.

If your data is transferred and processed outside the EU, you have the right to information about appropriate protective measures.

When possible, you can obtain a copy of the personal data being processed

Right to rectification

You have the right to obtain from us the correction of incorrect personal data relating to you, which we are obliged to carry out without undue delay. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, you have the right to supplement incomplete personal data, including by providing an additional statement.

Right to erasure ("right to be forgotten")

You have the right to obtain from us the deletion of personal data relating to you, without undue delay, if there is no legitimate reason for further processing of this data on our part (for example, if the data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was processed). If such a legal reason does exist, we will inform you in detail about it as part of the response to your deletion request.

The right to restriction of processing

You have the right to obtain from us the restriction of the processing of your personal data in the following situations: if you dispute the accuracy; if the processing is not legal, and you object to the deletion; if you request them to establish, exercise or defend legal claims, and we do not need them for processing; if you have filed a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data and are awaiting confirmation.

The right to data portability

You have the right to receive data relating to you and which you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transfer them to another service provider, i.e. a data controller, if the following conditions are met: the processing is based on your consent or on a contract and in addition, it is carried out in an automated way.

When exercising your rights to data portability, you have the right to direct data transfer from us to another data controller if this is technically feasible.

The right to object

If the processing of your personal data is based on the achievement of our legitimate interests, you have the right to object at any time to such processing of personal data to the extent that the processing relates to your data. If you make such an objection

related to direct marketing - we will not further process your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing;
related to other cases of legitimate interest - we will not further process your personal data for the purpose to which the complaint relates, except in the event that we prove that there are compelling legitimate reasons for processing that go beyond your interests, rights and freedoms or if this is necessary for the establishment, realization or the defense of our legal claims
Contact for exercising rights

For all questions and requests regarding your personal data, please contact our data protection coordinators at the email address:

We will process your inquiries and requests without undue delay and in accordance with legal obligations, and we will inform you about the measures we have taken.

The Cookie Statement is an integral part of this Privacy Statement and can be accessed via the link at the bottom of each page.

This data protection statement can be changed from time to time in order to bring it into line with the actual situation and legal regulations. In case of significant changes, we will take appropriate measures to inform you in a timely and appropriate manner about all such amendments and changes.

Date of last modification: 02.01.2024.